For medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic devices, EU Regulations (MDR and IVDR) require that manufacturers outside the EU designate an european authorized representative based within the EU. This representative is crucial in ensuring the compliance of these devices and serves as the main contact point within the EU.
It refers to a natural or legal person explicitly designated by a manufacturer located outside the European Economic Area. The natural or legal person can perform specific tasks required by the relevant EU directives and laws on behalf of the manufacturer outside the EEA.
Spain is a member of the European Union (EU) and is within the European Economic Area (EEA).
CMC Medical Devices & Drugs SL, located in Spain, is a member of the European Association of Authorized Representatives (E.A.A.R). It has a professional regulatory team and is qualified to act as an authorized representative for manufacturers outside the EU. CMC maintains close communication and cooperation with authorities and can perform the corresponding tasks for manufacturers according to official instructions.